2007年3月24日 星期六

安息, Thank for JJ's sharing


    When you are tired, or rushed, or nervous,a few minutes with Him in the stillness of His presence will rest you more than anything in the world.
    當你感到疲倦、急躁、情緒緊張時,幾分鐘的與主相處 ,在祂同在的寧靜中,你所得到的安息遠超過世上一切其他的。
    If we listened to Him more, looked to Him in stillness more, and chattered less to Him, we would get the sense of His presence better.
    我們若更多地傾聽祂,更多地在安靜中仰望祂 ,而更少地向祂喋喋不休,我們將更多地感覺到祂的同在。
    If we seek Jesus more and more, and more,and more, a personal relation with Himself, we come into Him and He into us, and the cleansing and purging and pruning goes on almost unknown to ourselves.
    我們若更多地、更多地、更多地、更多地尋求耶穌 ,與祂自己有個人的關係,我們就進到祂裡面,祂也進入我們裡面 ,那洗滌、潔淨和修剪的工作就在我們裡面不知不覺中進行了。
    To live a steadfastly obedient, careful life with Jesus, and do these things that plaease Him wins the life of Christ and crucifies flesh.
    過一個堅決地順服、謹慎與祂同在的生活,並做那些討祂喜悅 的事,就贏得了基督的生命且釘死了肉體。



