2011年3月22日 星期二


读经: 箴言16章20-28節
全年讀經: 約書亞記7-9章 路加福音1章21-38節
  金融海嘯時期負面消息層出不窮,當時有兩名普渡大學(Purdue University)的學生決定在校園中用一些讚美人的話語,來鼓勵大家。他們每週三下午都會花兩小時,站在人潮聚集的走道上,舉著自製的標牌,上頭寫著斗大的標語:「贈送讚美!」逢人就美言幾句:「你的外套很好看!」「這雙雪靴很新潮喔!」「你笑起來很燦爛!」有些學生坦言,他們每週三都會特意繞路到那裡去,就是為了聽幾句讚美的話。  這兩名年輕學子待人的方式讓我深思:他們極盡辦法去稱讚別人,而非找機會挑人缺點或抨擊論斷;身為基督徒的我,是否也能每天秉持這種態度來看待別人呢?  我們不可以像那種人,眼裡只盯著別人的錯處,說話彷彿有「燒焦的火」(箴言16章27節)。要用不同的方式待人,因為言是心聲。聖經說:「智慧人的心教訓他的口,又使他的嘴增長學問。良言如同蜂房,使心覺甘甜,使骨得醫治。」(箴言16章23-24節)  良言不花一分錢,卻能帶來無價的心靈慰藉。今天就開口勉勵身旁的人吧!DCM
Our Daily Bread
ODB RADIO: Mar 21 2011
Free Compliments
Read: Proverbs 16:20-30
Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. —Proverbs 16:24
Bible in a year: Joshua 7-9, Luke 1:21-38
During a time of economic crisis and depressing news, two students at Purdue University decided to lift the spirits of people on campus with some encouraging words. For two hours every Wednesday afternoon, Cameron Brown and Brett Westcott stood along a busy walkway holding a large “Free Compliments” sign and saying nice things to everyone who passed by. “I like your red coat.” “Cool snow boots.” “Very nice smile.” Some students said they deliberately walked past “the compliment guys” every Wednesday just to hear a kind word.
I was struck by these two young men who looked at people with the goal of commending them, rather than finding fault or being critical. Is that how I, as a follower of Christ, view others each day?
Instead of being like the person who is focused on evil and whose speech is “like a burning fire” (Prov. 16:27), we can take a different approach, knowing that what we say begins deep inside us. “The heart of the wise teaches his mouth, and adds learning to his lips. Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones” (vv.23-24).
Kind words may be free, but they give a priceless lift of spirit. Why not encourage someone today?
The power in words can build up or tear down—
Create a big smile or produce a sad frown;
So in all your contacts with people each day,
Be sure to encourage in all that you say. —Fitzhugh
A gentle word of compliment falls lightly
but it carries great weight.

