2012年7月19日 星期四

Bump! Set! Spike! 活力四射的排球運動

  July's sunny weather is the perfect time to play sports. One great game that is a breeze for anyone to play is volleyball, and you don't have to be a professional to have a fun time. Requiring only a ball, a group of friends, and a net, volleyball can be played inside or out. It goes without saying that if the heat becomes too much to handle, you can shift your outdoor game inside to an air-conditioned gymnasium.

  The basic rules of volleyball are simple to follow. Teams of six are the norm, while any number of people is acceptable when played for fun. Each team controls one side of the court, which is split in half by a high net. Players take turns serving to the other team, which has three hits to get the ball over to the other side. Special moves are used, specifically bumps, sets, and spikes. The key to winning in volleyball is teamwork.

  Volleyball was invented as a game for those that liked the jumping of basketball but not all the running around. In a single match, volleyball players jump an average of 300 times, which makes it great exercise for everyone.





Words & Phrases

1.     be a breeze  (某事)很簡單,不費吹灰之力
 Spanish is a breeze for Carmen because she uses it every day with her family.

2.     It goes without saying + that 子句  用不著說……
 It goes without saying that Jason loves his wife because everything he does is for her.

3.     shift vt. & vi. 改變;轉移
 Cathy quickly shifted to a new subject when her friend tried to bring up a sensitive issue.

4.     norm n. 常態;標準
 Communicating via email and the Internet has become the norm.

5.     split vt. 劃分;均分(三態同形)
 The teacher split the class into several groups of three for the activity.

6.     teamwork n. 團隊合作,配合
 At this company, teamwork is more important than individual needs.

7.     invent vt. 發明,創造
 I wish someone would invent a device that did my work for me.

8.     average n. 平均(數)
 My brother's IQ is way above average, so he can solve complex problems easily.


