Bump! Set! Spike! 活力四射的排球運動
July's sunny weather is the perfect time to play sports. One great game that is a breeze for anyone to play is volleyball, and you don't have to be a professional to have a fun time. Requiring only a ball, a group of friends, and a net, volleyball can be played inside or out. It goes without saying that if the heat becomes too much to handle, you can shift your outdoor game inside to an air-conditioned gymnasium. The basic rules of volleyball are simple to follow. Teams of six are the norm, while any number of people is acceptable when played for fun. Each team controls one side of the court, which is split in half by a high net. Players take turns serving to the other team, which has three hits to get the ball over to the other side. Special moves are used, specifically bumps, sets, and spikes. The key to winning in volleyball is teamwork. Volleyball was invented as a game for those that liked the jumping of basketball but not all the running around. In a single match, volleyball players jump an average of 300 times, which makes it great exercise for everyone. 中文翻譯 七月的豔陽天是讓人運動的好時機。一項大家都能輕易遊玩的運動就是排球,就算您不是職業球員也可以玩得盡興。排球這項運動只需要一顆球、一群朋友和一張球網,不論在室內室外都可進行。不用說,如果氣溫變得讓您無法忍受,您都可以將戶外的比賽搬進一座有空調設備的體育館裡打。 打排球所要遵守的基本規則很簡單。標準的排球賽制為每隊六人,但如果只是為了好玩的話,任何人數都能接受。一張高高架起的網子將球場一分為二,兩隊球員各佔一邊的場地。球員們輪流發球到敵隊,而對方必須在三擊之內將球打過網。排球場上也會運用到各種特殊動作,特別是接球、舉球和扣球。贏球的關鍵就在於團隊合作。 排球是發明給那些喜歡打籃球時的跳躍動作、但卻不愛跑來跑去的人。排球員在一場比賽中平均會跳躍三百次,使它成為一項讓所有人都能鍛鍊身體的好運動。 | ||
Words & Phrases | ||
1. be a breeze (某事)很簡單,不費吹灰之力 2. It goes without saying + that 子句 用不著說…… 3. shift vt. & vi. 改變;轉移 4. norm n. 常態;標準 5. split vt. 劃分;均分(三態同形) 6. teamwork n. 團隊合作,配合 7. invent vt. 發明,創造 8. average n. 平均(數) |