2007年11月14日 星期三


Your Cancer Prevention Plan


Source: the Prevent Cancer Foundation (formerly the Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation) 資料來源:美國預防癌症基金會

網址http://www.preventcancer.org/preventionplan 2c .aspx?id=44


You can protect yourself against many diseases, including cancer, by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Take action to reduce your cancer risk by following these steps.




If you’re following these tips, you’re well on your way to living a lifestyle that will help you prevent cancer;



if not, it’s never too late to make simple changes that can help you live healthier. Consider this Your Prevention Plan!


請考慮採用這個預防癌症的計畫 ﹗


要訣 一:Get Smart (學聰明)

1. Don’t use tobacco. (不要抽煙)
Tobacco use is by far the worst thing you can do for your health. It is deadly and causes cancers of the lung, throat, mouth and esophagus,

in addition to causing heart disease, emphysema and many other smoking related health problems.




More than 80 percent of all lung cancer is related to smoking, and non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke are at risk for lung cancer and other respiratory problems.



Don't smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes or use smokeless tobacco. If you do use tobacco, quit now! Keep children away from smokers – secondhand smoke is extremely harmful to anyone who breathes it in. Help to create smoke-free public environments in your community.

不要抽香煙、雪茄煙、捲煙或者抽無煙的煙草。 如果你確實使用煙草,現在請立即戒煙!並使你的孩子遠離二手煙的環境以避免被動地吸入二手煙, 並幫助你所處的環境建立起不吸煙的公共空間。

2. Protect your skin from the sun (保護皮膚,避免過渡曝曬在陽光下)
Always wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15 or more, even on hazy days, no matter your skin color. Overexposure to the sun is the cause of most skin cancers, including the most deadly type, melanoma. Most damage occurs in childhood and adolescence when skin cells within all layers are still developing. Be certain to protect your children’s skin as well as your own.

不論你是何種膚色,要經常擦拭防曬指數達SPF 15以上的防曬油(縱使是在有霧的天氣),以保護你的皮膚來擋住太陽


大多數損害是發生在皮膚細胞還處在生長階段的童年和青少年時期, 所以一定要保護你的孩子和你自己的皮膚。

3. Practice safer sex(注意安全性行為)
Cervical cancer is linked to the human papillomavirus (HPV). Women with HPV – a sexually transmitted virus – are at an increased risk of getting cervical cancer.


 Beginning at age 18 or when they become sexually active, women should begin regular pelvic exams and Pap tests to detect pre-cancerous or abnormal changes in the cervix.


 Always use a barrier method of contraception, such as a condom. While condoms can't protect against HPV, they do protect against other sexually transmitted diseases.


 4. Limit alcohol consumption (限制喝酒量)
Alcohol alone may play a role in 3 percent of cancer deaths. Alcohol and tobacco together can be a deadly combination. If you drink, limit your consumption to no more than two drinks a day.

雖然酒精本身只佔引發癌症死亡的百分之3,但是如果喝酒又抽煙,會變成是非常致命的結合, 如果你有喝酒,要限制自己頂多一天兩杯。

要訣 二:Get Fit(保持適當的身材)

1. Eat a variety of healthy foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables. 吃多種健康的食品,特別是新鮮的水果和蔬菜

There is an increasing amount of evidence linking diet to cancer. Some research suggests that one-third of all cancers diagnosed every year may be related to what we eat. Reduce dietary fat intake, especially animal fat. Make your diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains.   

越來越多的研究顯示,癌症和飲食有關。 還有一些研究顯示,每年新增的罹患癌症的病患當中,有三分之一是與「吃」有關。所以特別要降低脂肪的攝取,特別是動物性脂肪的攝取。


2. Stay active and maintain a healthy weight保持精力充沛,並維持健康的體重

Add exercise to your routine to reduce stress, control your weight and reduce your risk for cancer. Even moderate exercise at least three days a week can make a big difference in your health and well-being.


要訣 三:Get Checked(定期作健康檢查)

1. Follow cancer-screening guidelines. 遵循癌症檢查的指南,定期檢查
There are many tests that can help detect cancer early when it's easy to treat and that can detect abnormalities before they become cancer.




Ask your health care professional which screening tests you should have and when. Find out if you are at higher risk for some cancers because of family history or your lifestyle.



Talk with your health care professional about earlier or more frequent screening or if there are other steps you can take to protect yourself.


你可以 和你的 醫師討論如何早期發現、早期治療,或採取其他必要的行動來保護自己的健康。


2. Get immunized(某些癌症可以注射疫苗來預防)
Cancer prevention includes being immunized for certain types of cancer. Ask your doctor about such vaccines.

某些癌症可以注射疫苗來預防,你可以 向你的 醫師詢問。

