一位在美國很有名的敬拜leader, Ron Kenoly,也是除了唐蒙恩以外,我非常欣賞的一位worship leader! 分享的這首詩歌,有好幾次,我坐在辦公室椅子上,被聖靈充滿!到了家裡,我自己播放,沒想到又被充滿 這首詩歌表達了神同在的榮光,和掌權的榮耀, (我最喜歡歌詞描述到耶穌的外袍,到達全地球之上,充滿全地) http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=45Wy9yBlTZ8&feature=related holy, holy, holy, holy, holy is the lord holy, holy, holy, holy, holy is the lord of lords. I see the lord, seated on the throne exalted, and the train of his robe, fills the temple with glory and the whole earth is filled, and the whole earth is filled, and the whole earth is filled with his glory [這是小弟的翻譯] 聖潔,聖潔,聖潔,聖潔 聖潔歸我主 我看見主, 坐在 寶座上 被高舉 祂的外袍,榮光充滿祂的聖殿, 全地都被充滿,全地都被充滿, 全地都充滿著祂的榮耀!